Chris Erevelles, M.D., FACEP

Medical Director – Baptist Emergency Hospital at Schertz

How long have you worked here?
I’ve been with Emerus for four years.

Before working here, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
The most unusual job I’ve had is selling knives. I can’t count the number of people who tested the sharpness of the knife on their palms. Yeah, they were sharp! My most rewarding job was when I was a nurse aid with hospice.

What is your proudest moment or experience treating our patients?
With the help of the Shertz community members and police, our nurses and techs rescued a child who was smuggled to the U.S. by human traffickers. He arrived at our hospital frightened, hungry and dirty, but left well-fed, clean, clothed and, most importantly, reunited with his family.

What are the top 3 things on your bucket list?
My bucket list is very long, and I’ve already checked off dog sledding on a glacier, but the top three remaining are skydiving, visiting Australia and New Zealand and holding my first grandchild.

What is your hidden talent, hobby or greatest interest outside of work?
I hold a second-degree black belt in Taekwondo and love MMA, both watching and participating.

What are your top 3 life highlights?
Marrying my husband, who is my best friend, and the birth of our four children. I don’t have a third, because that’s more blessing than any woman could ask for!

What is your dream vacation?
An around-the-world trip visiting historical World War II sites.

If you could be anyone from any time period, who would it be and why?
I would be Marie Sklodowska Curie, because she was a pioneer in her field and broke every glass ceiling that existed at the time. She won the Nobel prize in both chemistry and physics, as well as numerous other awards. She was a loving wife and mother who encouraged her children to become great. She was the first female Nobel Laureate to have a daughter who later became a Nobel Laureate, too. I look to women like her as models of excellence and balance in every aspect of my life.

Favorite national observance/why?
Veteran’s Day. Both my father and my uncle served in WWII (my uncle was killed on duty in Korea), my nephew fought in the Iraq war, and my son is a second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. Our military deserves our respect, love and thanks.

Favorite medicine-based movie or show/why?
“M*A*S*H,” a classic that captured the funny and poignant aspects of medicine on the front lines, which touched me as a physician. If you treat everyone as a person with a wife or husband, a son or daughter, mother or father, and never lose sight of that, you will always provide the best care.

Complete this sentence about what your hospital brings to the community, or what you love about your hospital:
“My hospital…”

My hospital is a vital part of the community because it provides compassionate, well-trained staff, each with a heart for caring.